

분석용 장비 Store

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신규 장비 Store

레이저 디캡 장비(Laser decap)

General type

800 x 600 x 900 mm (L x W x H)

General type + Options

1.493 x 860 x 1.777 mm (L x W x H)

Laser decap의 용도
  • EMC(Epoxy Mold Compound) pre-decapsulation
  • DIE and PCB Cutting
Laser decap의 장점
  • Safe, Fast and high quality package decapsulation
  • Thick package : DIP, Power FET
  • Large package : QFP, TQFP type
  • Small package
  • Partial decap.
  • Cu wire package, Ag wire package
  • Laser type : Ytterbium fibre Laser
  • Wave length : 1064 nm
  • LSM scanning
  • Vision camera for decaping area drawing and RTD camera
  • Operation and control software : WIN GRAED PRO(Graphical editor running under windows) and WIN Laser
  • Fume extractor unit with active carbon filter module and Pre, medium, Hepa filter sets for powders and toxic gas
  • Safety Interlock, EMO
  • Sample holder and manual stage